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Rete dei Comunisti
As Rete dei Comunisti we would like to greet the more than 400 delegates from over 100 countries who have come to Italy for the 18th Congress of the FSM/WFTU to be held May 6-8, and all those who are following it remotely.
It is an honour to have you in our country, after more than 70 years since the last Congress that took place in Italy, when the rubble caused by the Second World War was still visible and many lives of young people, workers and women had been sacrificed to free us from Nazi-fascism. And it is a very sad spectacle to see their memory insulted with the Draghi government and President Mattarella equating the Italian Resistance of yesterday with the Ukrainian “resistance”,and its notorious Nazi battalions, of today.
The more than two years of pandemic, the armed conflicts that are tearing humanity apart, and an increasingly serious ecological crisis, demonstrate the danger of the current model of capitalist development.
A mode of production, the capitalist one, in which a very small portion of the world’s population exploits the wealth produced by the living work of billions of people, does not uses technology for the satisfaction of the needs of the most, and squanders the wealth of the planet, leaving an increasingly large segment of the world’s population to languish in absolute poverty, without a home, a job and a decent meal, in the absence of medical care and education.
The Western imperialism of the United States and that of the European Union, thanks to the Atlantic Alliance, want to impose their neo-colonial world order, nipping in the bud the rise of a multipolar world. A world where States and Peoples – especially those of the South of the world – keeping, or conquering, their full sovereignty, can choose the way of cooperation and not of conflict, of mutual support and not of war, of progress and not of reaction.
An imperialism, the Western one, that crushes its iron heel also on the neck of the subordinate classes of its own countries, and reduces those conquests that the working world had wrested with very hard struggles to very few guarantees.
It does not want workers, but slaves, deprived of the most basic rights, it does not want citizens but subjects emptied of decision-making capacity, and implements a policy increasingly discriminatory and regressive towards women, minorities and immigrants.
The European Union, which for years has been hiding behind a false progressive ideology, has long since thrown off its mask, and shows itself for what it is: an instrument in the hands of the European oligarchies against the working class in its own countries, and the peoples it seeks to subjugate with its own policies in other continents, especially in Africa.
A European Union that is rearming itself and developing its armed wing, a European Union that has made the Mediterranean Sea the largest cemetery on the continent, a European Union that instrumentally agitates the issue of human rights only in function of its own foreign policy interests but does not respect them at home.
A European Union that, appointing Draghi at the government, has placed under receivership our country, choosing the former head of the ECB as the pivot of a strategy of productive restructuring, decided in Brussels, and of bellicose adventurism that the popular classes are already paying, and will pay more and more, if no social-political opposition worthy of the name will arise.
The general strike of last October 11, called by the USB with all the basic and conflicting trade unions, and the strike of the private sector of the USB this April 22 with a national mobilization in Rome, together with the contextual student strike of OSA (Alternative Student Organization), are the first, very good signs, which give hope and that as Rete dei Comunisti we have immediately supported and helped to build.
In this world context of tendency to war, the organized movement of workers at the international level is called to a very difficult task as it was on the eve of the First World War where the follies of the European ruling classes led to that sad slaughter that we know well, and that was not prevented also because of the social-chauvinism of its leaders who betrayed the internationalist spirit.
From that catastrophe, however, in Tsarist Russia, the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 triumphed, giving a message of hope to all peoples, which we believe is still valid and pulsating.
As Rete dei Comunisti, thanks to the strength that your presence gives us, we will continue our battle against NATO and the European Union, and to strengthen the independent, confrontational and class unionism of the USB.
For Peace among Peoples! For Socialism!
Rete dei Comunisti
web: www.retedeicomunisti.net
email: rdc.internazionale@gmail.com