Many articles from retedeicomunisti.net have been translated into English. Most of these translations have been published in the different issues of the International Bulletin, in which some highlights of the political activity of the Italian communist organisation Rete dei Comunisti are reported, together with speeches by political, social and trade union subjects with whom Rete dei Comunisti has long-standing relations.
The index of the International Bulletins is published on this same page, while the complete chronology of all articles translated into English can be found here.
For contacts: rdc.internazionale@gmail.com
International Bulletin

July 2024
- May 1st 2024, between international solidarity and class conflict
- For a new public education in a new society
Report from the OSA and Cambiare Rotta Forum - The first of June procession in Rome
A first step in the construction of political and social opposition to the Meloni government

January 2024
- Against the enslavement of the Italian government to the state of Israel
Rete Dei Comunisti – Cambiare Rotta – Opposizione Studentesca d’Alternativa - Boycotting Israel and the Italian State’s servility to NATO and Zionism
Comitato Angelo Baracca - USB transport strike
Unione Sindacale di Base - We have signatures for citizens’ initiative laws!
Potere al Popolo – Unione Sindacale di Base - Comrade Riadh, our ‘fedayn’, has died
The comrades - The Middle East in the Multipolar World and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Rete dei Comunisti

November 2023
- Palestinian Resistance Tet Offensive
Giacomo Marchetti for Contropiano.org - Nov. 4: The revival of the anti-war movement, alongside the Peoples’ Resistance
Comitato Angelo Baracca - Those who wage war on Palestine cannot be left in
Rete dei Comunisti - Breaking every complicity between Italy and Israel: the role of the academic boycott
Cambiare Rotta

January 2023
- On the right side of history
Rete dei Comunisti - With the Peruvian people, against the US servant oligarchy!
Rete dei Comunisti - Dec. 3, Rome: national parade against the war economy
Redazione Contropiano - No one represents us, let’s build the alternative!
Cambiare Rotta

September 2022
- Communist passion and reason
Redazione Contropiano - Fighting as soldiers of ideas
Cambiare Rotta - Criminal Unionism?
Giacomo Marchetti – Rete dei Comunisti - With the “Unione Popolare”. To build a political alternative to the present state of affairs
Rete dei Comunisti

June 2022
- Systemic crisis and military crisis
Mauro Casadio – Rete dei Comunisti - A message of welcome to the delegates of the World Federation of Trade Unions (FSM/WFTU)
Rete dei Comunisti - WTFU Congress, against war and the war economy
Intervista a Cinzia Della Porta - Caorso 22 may: abandon illusions, organise the fight!
Cambiare Rotta - No pasaran!
Cambiare Rotta Bologna - 2 June: a day of mobilisation against war
Giacomo Marchetti – Rete dei Comunisti

April 2022
- Ukraine is a historical ridge
Mauro Casadio – Rete dei Comunisti - With the Strategic Compass for Security and Defence the European Union becomes a military power in perspective
Rete dei Comunisti - Latin America: national campaign at its side kicks off
Giacomo Marchetti, Rete dei Comunisti - Civil and military nuclear power. Let’s stop them now!
Cambiare Rotta - Towards the Assault on the sky, it’s time to organise!
OSA – Opposizione Studentesca d’Alternativa - Excerpt of the interview with Pierpaolo Leonardi – national coordinator USB
From the Contropiano interview of 17 April 2022 - Five thousand workers in the streets together with the students against exploitation, cost of living and war. USB: a new story has begun in Rome!
Unione Sindacale di Base

February 2022
- The verticalisation of Italian politics
Editorial RdC - Africa no longer wants to be Europe’s backyard
Sergio Cararo, Contropiano.org - An oxymoron hovers over Europe: capitalist environment
Cambiare Rotta - In Rome “la Lupa” becomes a national student movement
OSA - A new issue of PROTEO: the training of trade unionists
Lorenzo Giustolisi, co-editor of the issue

December 2021
- 2021: the orgy of ideology
Mauro Casadio, Rete dei Comunisti - 20/11, Bologna – European Union from pole to imperialist superstate?
Rete dei Comunisti - We students in struggle demand to be heard: we decide on the school’s money!
OSA – Opposizione Studentesca d’Alternativa - From the general strike to “No Draghi Day” and beyond
Interview with Pierpaolo Leonardi, USB National Confederal Executive

October 2021
- The finger in the eye… on Afghanistan
Editorial of August 25, Mauro Casadio – Rete dei Comunisti - In these election we have raise contradictions that leave their mark
Interview with Marta Collot, candidate for mayor of Potere al Popolo in Bologna. - Affecting through conflict and the creation of real power relations
Interview with Sasha Colautti, USB Private Sector - Ecological transition, nuclear fission and false ideology
Organizzazione giovanile comunista Cambiare Rotta

April 2021
- The Euro-Atlantic bottleneck
Editorial of March 24, Contropiano.org - The condition of women at the time of the pandemic crisis
Rete dei Comunisti Roma - Amazon: a tentacular model
Rete nazionale Noi Restiamo - The internationalist activity of Unione Sindacale di base
Interview to Cinzia dalla Porta USB - Stop US blockade against Cuba. Caravans in the streets!
Rete dei Comunisti

Special edition (February 2021)
- The tree and the forest, Draghi and the European Union
Rete dei Comunisti - The Draghi government is indecent!
Joint national sectoral coordinations of the USB Trade Union - In the midst of worshipping the man of Providence… a voice outside the choir
Marta Collot – Potere al Popolo

February 2021
- Livorno ’21: one hundred years of our history, looking to the future
Interview with Mauro Casadio, RdC executive - Covid’s dead scream vengeance!
Sergio Cararo, Contropiano.org - China in the multipolar world
Document convening the RdC forum - Wind never stops blowing, whole oceans to conquer
Rete nazionale Noi Restiamo - “Accademia Rebelde” is born, an instrument of struggle for the cultural hegemony of communists
Rete dei Comunisti Roma - New workers’ condition, struggles in logistics and trade union organization
Interview with Roberto Montanari (USB Logistics)

Autumn 2020
- An analytical point for strategic discussion
Mauro Casadio, Rete dei Comunisti - The Americas between Socialism and Barbarism
Rete dei Comunisti - The support of the Rete dei Comunisti to the list Potere al Popolo Campania
Rete dei Comunisti Campania - Mobilization of 24/25 September and beyond
Rete nazionale Noi Restiamo e Opposizione Studentesca d’Alternativa - Rete dei comunisti in support of two days of strikes and mobilizations of 24-25 September
Rete dei Comunisti - Long live Georges Abdallah! Let’s all go to Lannemezan!